FBcv:0000002 thermotaxis defective FBcv:0000006 male semi-fertile FBcv:0000007 female semi-fertile FBcv:0000008 modifier of variegation FBcv:0000316 homeotic FBcv:0000324 dorsal/ventral axis specification defective FBcv:0000325 neurogenic phenotype FBcv:0000349 viable FBcv:0000350 partially lethal - majority live FBcv:0000351 lethal FBcv:0000352 partially lethal - majority die FBcv:0000353 cell lethal FBcv:0000354 visible FBcv:0000355 eye color defective FBcv:0000356 body color defective FBcv:0000357 size defective FBcv:0000358 small body FBcv:0000359 decreased cell number FBcv:0000360 decreased cell size FBcv:0000361 large body FBcv:0000362 increased cell number FBcv:0000363 increased cell size FBcv:0000364 sterile FBcv:0000365 semi-sterile FBcv:0000366 female sterile FBcv:0000367 female semi-sterile FBcv:0000368 female sterile germline-dependent FBcv:0000369 female sterile soma-dependent FBcv:0000370 male sterile FBcv:0000371 male semi-sterile FBcv:0000372 male sterile germline-dependent FBcv:0000374 fertile FBcv:0000375 semi-fertile FBcv:0000376 male fertile FBcv:0000377 female fertile FBcv:0000378 grandchildless FBcv:0000379 enhancer of variegation FBcv:0000380 non-enhancer of variegation FBcv:0000381 suppressor of variegation FBcv:0000382 non-suppressor of variegation FBcv:0000383 auxotroph FBcv:0000384 aging defective FBcv:0000385 short lived FBcv:0000386 long lived FBcv:0000388 gravitaxis defective FBcv:0000389 paralytic FBcv:0000390 hypoactive FBcv:0000391 bang sensitive FBcv:0000392 hyperactive FBcv:0000393 pain response defective FBcv:0000396 eclosion rhythm defective FBcv:0000399 courtship behavior defective FBcv:0000400 mating defective FBcv:0000401 mating rhythm defective FBcv:0000402 song defective FBcv:0000403 chemosensitive behavior defective FBcv:0000404 smell perception defective FBcv:0000405 taste perception defective FBcv:0000406 tarsal response defective FBcv:0000415 jumping defective FBcv:0000416 uncoordinated FBcv:0000417 flight defective FBcv:0000418 flightless FBcv:0000420 grooming behavior defective FBcv:0000421 touch response defective FBcv:0000422 photoperiod response variant FBcv:0000424 cell death defective FBcv:0000425 increased cell death FBcv:0000426 decreased cell death FBcv:0000427 cell growth defective FBcv:0000428 cell size defective FBcv:0000429 cell shape defective FBcv:0000430 cell polarity defective FBcv:0000431 meiotic cell cycle defective FBcv:0000434 neurophysiology defective FBcv:0000435 neuroanatomy defective FBcv:0000438 electrophoretic variant FBcv:0000439 chemical resistant FBcv:0000440 chemical sensitive FBcv:0000441 radiation resistant FBcv:0000442 radiation sensitive FBcv:0000443 Minute FBcv:0000444 hyperplasia FBcv:0000445 tumorigenic FBcv:0000446 melanotic mass phenotype FBcv:0000447 melanotic necrosis FBcv:0000449 planar polarity defective FBcv:0000450 developmental rate defective FBcv:0000665 body size defective FBcv:0000669 hatching behavior defective FBcv:0000670 eclosion defective FBcv:0000672 endomitotic cell cycle defective FBcv:0000680 proboscis extension reflex defective FBcv:0000681 sensory perception defective FBcv:0000683 temperature response defective FBcv:0000684 cold stress response defective FBcv:0000686 axis specification defective FBcv:0000698 embryonic/larval segmentation phenotype FBcv:0000699 pair rule phenotype FBcv:0000700 even pair-rule phenotype FBcv:0000701 odd pair-rule phenotype FBcv:0000702 segment polarity phenotype FBcv:0000709 cell number defective FBcv:0000717 increased cell growth FBcv:0000718 decreased cell growth FBcv:0000719 atrophy FBcv:0000720 jump response defective FBcv:0000723 neoplasia FBcv:0000724 hypoplasia FBcv:0000734 terminal phenotype FBcv:0000792 premature aging FBcv:0001324 endocytosis defective FBcv:0001325 exocytosis defective FBcv:0002000 lethal - all die before end of P-stage FBcv:0002001 lethal - all die before end of first instar larval stage FBcv:0002002 lethal - all die before end of larval stage FBcv:0002003 lethal - all die before end of second instar larval stage FBcv:0002004 increased mortality FBcv:0002005 lethal - all die during P-stage FBcv:0002006 lethal - all die during first instar larval stage FBcv:0002007 lethal - all die during larval stage FBcv:0002008 lethal - all die during second instar larval stage FBcv:0002009 lethal - all die during third instar larval stage FBcv:0002010 majority die during P-stage FBcv:0002011 majority die during first instar larval stage FBcv:0002012 majority die during larval stage FBcv:0002013 majority die during second instar larval stage FBcv:0002014 majority die during third instar larval stage FBcv:0002015 partially lethal FBcv:0002019 increased mortality during development FBcv:0002020 some die during P-stage FBcv:0002021 some die during first instar larval stage FBcv:0002022 some die during second instar larval stage FBcv:0002023 some die during larval stage FBcv:0002024 some die during third instar larval stage FBcv:0002025 lethal - all die during pharate adult stage FBcv:0002026 lethal - all die before end of prepupal stage FBcv:0002027 lethal - all die before end of pupal stage FBcv:0002030 lethal - all die during pupal stage FBcv:0002031 lethal - all die during prepupal stage FBcv:0002032 lethal - all die before end of embryonic stage FBcv:0002033 lethal - all die during embryonic stage FBcv:0002034 majority die during pupal stage FBcv:0002035 majority die during prepupal stage FBcv:0002036 majority die during pharate adult stage FBcv:0002037 majority die during embryonic stage FBcv:0002038 some die during pharate adult stage FBcv:0002039 some die during pupal stage FBcv:0002040 some die during prepupal stage FBcv:0002041 some die during embryonic stage FBcv:0002042 lethal - all die during immature adult stage FBcv:0002050 majority die during immature adult stage FBcv:0002051 some die during immature adult stage FBcv:0006000 copulation defective FBcv:0006001 increased fecundity FBcv:0006002 decreased fecundity FBcv:0006004 oviposition defective GO:0000087PHENOTYPE mitotic M phase phenotype GO:0000088PHENOTYPE mitotic prophase phenotype GO:0000228PHENOTYPE nuclear chromosome phenotype GO:0000235PHENOTYPE astral microtubule phenotype GO:0000236PHENOTYPE mitotic prometaphase phenotype GO:0000262PHENOTYPE mitochondrial chromosome phenotype GO:0000278PHENOTYPE mitotic cell cycle phenotype GO:0000781PHENOTYPE chromosome, telomeric region phenotype GO:0000785PHENOTYPE chromatin phenotype GO:0000790PHENOTYPE nuclear chromatin phenotype GO:0000793PHENOTYPE condensed chromosome phenotype GO:0000794PHENOTYPE condensed nuclear chromosome phenotype GO:0000795PHENOTYPE synaptonemal complex phenotype GO:0000922PHENOTYPE spindle pole phenotype GO:0000932PHENOTYPE cytoplasmic mRNA processing body phenotype GO:0001669PHENOTYPE acrosomal vesicle phenotype GO:0001673PHENOTYPE male germ cell nucleus phenotype GO:0001674PHENOTYPE female germ cell nucleus phenotype GO:0001939PHENOTYPE female pronucleus phenotype GO:0001940PHENOTYPE male pronucleus phenotype GO:0005604PHENOTYPE basement membrane phenotype GO:0005634PHENOTYPE nucleus phenotype GO:0005635PHENOTYPE nuclear envelope phenotype GO:0005643PHENOTYPE nuclear pore phenotype GO:0005652PHENOTYPE nuclear lamina phenotype GO:0005694PHENOTYPE chromosome phenotype GO:0005730PHENOTYPE nucleolus phenotype GO:0005739PHENOTYPE mitochondrion phenotype GO:0005741PHENOTYPE mitochondrial outer membrane phenotype GO:0005743PHENOTYPE mitochondrial inner membrane phenotype GO:0005759PHENOTYPE mitochondrial matrix phenotype GO:0005761PHENOTYPE mitochondrial ribosome phenotype GO:0005764PHENOTYPE lysosome phenotype GO:0005768PHENOTYPE endosome phenotype GO:0005769PHENOTYPE early endosome phenotype GO:0005770PHENOTYPE late endosome phenotype GO:0005771PHENOTYPE multivesicular body phenotype GO:0005773PHENOTYPE vacuole phenotype GO:0005776PHENOTYPE autophagosome phenotype GO:0005777PHENOTYPE peroxisome phenotype GO:0005783PHENOTYPE endoplasmic reticulum phenotype GO:0005790PHENOTYPE smooth endoplasmic reticulum phenotype GO:0005791PHENOTYPE rough endoplasmic reticulum phenotype GO:0005794PHENOTYPE Golgi apparatus phenotype GO:0005795PHENOTYPE Golgi stack phenotype GO:0005811PHENOTYPE lipid particle phenotype GO:0005813PHENOTYPE centrosome phenotype GO:0005814PHENOTYPE centriole phenotype GO:0005815PHENOTYPE microtubule organizing center phenotype GO:0005818PHENOTYPE aster phenotype GO:0005819PHENOTYPE spindle phenotype GO:0005840PHENOTYPE ribosome phenotype GO:0005856PHENOTYPE cytoskeleton phenotype GO:0005858PHENOTYPE axonemal dynein complex phenotype GO:0005863PHENOTYPE striated muscle myosin thick filament phenotype GO:0005865PHENOTYPE striated muscle thin filament phenotype GO:0005874PHENOTYPE microtubule phenotype GO:0005876PHENOTYPE spindle microtubule phenotype GO:0005879PHENOTYPE axonemal microtubule phenotype GO:0005881PHENOTYPE cytoplasmic microtubule phenotype GO:0005884PHENOTYPE actin filament phenotype GO:0005886PHENOTYPE plasma membrane phenotype GO:0005902PHENOTYPE microvillus phenotype GO:0005903PHENOTYPE brush border phenotype GO:0005911PHENOTYPE cell-cell junction phenotype GO:0005912PHENOTYPE adherens junction phenotype GO:0005913PHENOTYPE cell-cell adherens junction phenotype GO:0005921PHENOTYPE gap junction phenotype GO:0005925PHENOTYPE focal adhesion phenotype GO:0005927PHENOTYPE muscle tendon junction phenotype GO:0005929PHENOTYPE cilium phenotype GO:0005930PHENOTYPE axoneme phenotype GO:0007049PHENOTYPE cell cycle phenotype GO:0007127PHENOTYPE meiosis I phenotype GO:0007128PHENOTYPE meiotic prophase I phenotype GO:0007133PHENOTYPE meiotic anaphase I phenotype GO:0007135PHENOTYPE meiosis II phenotype GO:0008021PHENOTYPE synaptic vesicle phenotype GO:0008543PHENOTYPE fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway phenotype GO:0014069PHENOTYPE postsynaptic density phenotype GO:0015030PHENOTYPE Cajal body phenotype GO:0015629PHENOTYPE actin cytoskeleton phenotype GO:0015630PHENOTYPE microtubule cytoskeleton phenotype GO:0016020PHENOTYPE membrane phenotype GO:0016234PHENOTYPE inclusion body phenotype GO:0016324PHENOTYPE apical plasma membrane phenotype GO:0016460PHENOTYPE myosin II complex phenotype GO:0016529PHENOTYPE sarcoplasmic reticulum phenotype GO:0030016PHENOTYPE myofibril phenotype GO:0030017PHENOTYPE sarcomere phenotype GO:0030018PHENOTYPE Z disc phenotype GO:0030027PHENOTYPE lamellipodium phenotype GO:0030054PHENOTYPE cell junction phenotype GO:0030061PHENOTYPE mitochondrial crista phenotype GO:0030133PHENOTYPE transport vesicle phenotype GO:0030135PHENOTYPE coated vesicle phenotype GO:0030139PHENOTYPE endocytic vesicle phenotype GO:0030141PHENOTYPE secretory granule phenotype GO:0030175PHENOTYPE filopodium phenotype GO:0030315PHENOTYPE T-tubule phenotype GO:0030424PHENOTYPE axon phenotype GO:0030425PHENOTYPE dendrite phenotype GO:0030426PHENOTYPE growth cone phenotype GO:0030496PHENOTYPE midbody phenotype GO:0030864PHENOTYPE cortical actin cytoskeleton phenotype GO:0031012PHENOTYPE extracellular matrix phenotype GO:0031252PHENOTYPE cell leading edge phenotype GO:0031410PHENOTYPE cytoplasmic vesicle phenotype GO:0031430PHENOTYPE M band phenotype GO:0031514PHENOTYPE motile cilium phenotype GO:0031594PHENOTYPE neuromuscular junction phenotype GO:0031616PHENOTYPE spindle pole centrosome phenotype GO:0031672PHENOTYPE A band phenotype GO:0031673PHENOTYPE H zone phenotype GO:0031674PHENOTYPE I band phenotype GO:0031941PHENOTYPE filamentous actin phenotype GO:0031965PHENOTYPE nuclear membrane phenotype GO:0031966PHENOTYPE mitochondrial membrane phenotype GO:0031982PHENOTYPE vesicle phenotype GO:0031985PHENOTYPE Golgi cisterna phenotype GO:0032019PHENOTYPE mitochondrial cloud phenotype GO:0032154PHENOTYPE cleavage furrow phenotype GO:0032432PHENOTYPE actin filament bundle phenotype GO:0032982PHENOTYPE myosin filament phenotype GO:0035253PHENOTYPE ciliary rootlet phenotype GO:0036056PHENOTYPE filtration diaphragm phenotype GO:0036057PHENOTYPE slit diaphragm phenotype GO:0036064PHENOTYPE ciliary basal body phenotype GO:0036126PHENOTYPE sperm flagellum phenotype GO:0036156PHENOTYPE inner dynein arm phenotype GO:0036157PHENOTYPE outer dynein arm phenotype GO:0036379PHENOTYPE myofilament phenotype GO:0042383PHENOTYPE sarcolemma phenotype GO:0042585PHENOTYPE germinal vesicle phenotype GO:0042587PHENOTYPE glycogen granule phenotype GO:0042599PHENOTYPE lamellar body phenotype GO:0042600PHENOTYPE chorion phenotype GO:0042645PHENOTYPE mitochondrial nucleoid phenotype GO:0042995PHENOTYPE cell projection phenotype GO:0043005PHENOTYPE neuron projection phenotype GO:0043025PHENOTYPE neuronal cell body phenotype GO:0043073PHENOTYPE germ cell nucleus phenotype GO:0043186PHENOTYPE P granule phenotype GO:0043195PHENOTYPE terminal bouton phenotype GO:0043197PHENOTYPE dendritic spine phenotype GO:0043204PHENOTYPE perikaryon phenotype GO:0043226PHENOTYPE organelle phenotype GO:0043231PHENOTYPE intracellular membrane-bounded organelle phenotype GO:0043679PHENOTYPE axon terminus phenotype GO:0044297PHENOTYPE cell body phenotype GO:0044303PHENOTYPE axon collateral phenotype GO:0044306PHENOTYPE neuron projection terminus phenotype GO:0044307PHENOTYPE dendritic branch phenotype GO:0044754PHENOTYPE autolysosome phenotype GO:0045120PHENOTYPE pronucleus phenotype GO:0045171PHENOTYPE intercellular bridge phenotype GO:0045177PHENOTYPE apical part of cell phenotype GO:0045202PHENOTYPE synapse phenotype GO:0045335PHENOTYPE phagocytic vesicle phenotype GO:0045495PHENOTYPE pole plasm phenotype GO:0046930PHENOTYPE pore complex phenotype GO:0048770PHENOTYPE pigment granule phenotype GO:0048786PHENOTYPE presynaptic active zone phenotype GO:0048788PHENOTYPE cytoskeleton of presynaptic active zone phenotype GO:0051318PHENOTYPE G1 phase phenotype GO:0051319PHENOTYPE G2 phase phenotype GO:0051320PHENOTYPE S phase phenotype GO:0051321PHENOTYPE meiotic cell cycle phenotype GO:0051322PHENOTYPE anaphase phenotype GO:0051325PHENOTYPE interphase phenotype GO:0051329PHENOTYPE mitotic interphase phenotype GO:0055037PHENOTYPE recycling endosome phenotype GO:0060170PHENOTYPE ciliary membrane phenotype GO:0060293PHENOTYPE germ plasm phenotype GO:0060417PHENOTYPE yolk phenotype GO:0070825PHENOTYPE micropyle phenotype GO:0072686PHENOTYPE mitotic spindle phenotype GO:0072687PHENOTYPE meiotic spindle phenotype GO:0097060PHENOTYPE synaptic membrane phenotype GO:0097386PHENOTYPE glial cell projection phenotype GO:0097447PHENOTYPE dendritic tree phenotype GO:0097512PHENOTYPE cardiac myofibril phenotype GO:0098793PHENOTYPE presynapse phenotype GO:0098794PHENOTYPE postsynapse phenotype HP:0003254 Abnormality of DNA repair HP:0011018 Abnormality of the cell cycle MP:0011614 slow aging ZP:0001579 sensory perception of light stimulus process quality, abnormal ZP:0002234 cell division increased occurrence, abnormal ZP:0004077 mitotic cell cycle process quality, abnormal ZP:0004374 sensory perception of touch process quality, abnormal ZP:0004703 cell migration process quality, abnormal ZP:0007648 cell division decreased occurrence, abnormal ZP:0008042 optokinetic behavior process quality, abnormal ZP:0008523 locomotory behavior process quality, abnormal ZP:0009477 response to starvation process quality, abnormal ZP:0011149 locomotor rhythm process quality, abnormal ZP:0011560 cytokinesis process quality, abnormal ZP:0012327 sleep process quality, abnormal ZP:0012599 behavior process quality, abnormal ZP:0012600 learning process quality, abnormal ZP:0012634 sex determination process quality, abnormal ZP:0012827 sensory perception of sound process quality, abnormal ZP:0013173 visual behavior process quality, abnormal ZP:0013258 circadian rhythm process quality, abnormal ZP:0013279 phototaxis process quality, abnormal ZP:0016446 response to oxidative stress process quality, abnormal ZP:0017218 wound healing process quality, abnormal ZP:0019342 cell adhesion process quality, abnormal ZP:0022720 feeding behavior process quality, abnormal ZP:0022916 response to heat process quality, abnormal ZP:0100495 response to stress process quality, abnormal ZP:0103242 response to osmotic stress process quality, abnormal ZP:0103409 mating behavior process quality, abnormal ZP:0103430 immune response process quality, abnormal ZP:0104033 memory process quality, abnormal ZP:0105902 circadian behavior process quality, abnormal